RoboPoint: A Vision-Language Model for Spatial Affordance Prediction for Robotics

CoRL 2024

1University of Washington 2NVIDIA
3Allen Institute for Artifical Intelligence 4Universidad Católica San Pablo


From rearranging objects on a table to putting groceries into shelves, robots must plan precise action points to perform tasks accurately and reliably. In spite of the recent adoption of vision language models (VLMs) to control robot behavior, VLMs struggle to precisely articulate robot actions using language. We introduce an automatic synthetic data generation pipeline that instruction-tunes VLMs to robotic domains and needs. Using the pipeline, we train ROBOPOINT, a VLM that predicts image keypoint affordances given language instructions. Compared to alternative approaches, our method requires no real-world data collection or human demonstration, making it much more scalable to diverse environments and viewpoints. In addition, ROBOPOINT is a general model that enables several downstream applications such as robot navigation, manipulation, and augmented reality (AR) assistance. Our experiments demonstrate that ROBOPOINT outperforms state-of-the-art VLMs (GPT-4o) and visual prompting techniques (PIVOT) by 21.8% in the accuracy of predicting spatial affordance and by 30.5% in the success rate of downstream tasks.

RoboPoint Downstream Applications

AR Assistance



RoboPoint Overview

Robot Arm
An RGB image is rendered from a procedurally generated 3D scene. We compute spatial relations from the camera's perspective and generate affordances by sampling points within object masks and object-surface intersections. These instruction-point pairs fine-tune the language model. During deployment, RoboPoint predicts 2D action points from an image and instruction, which are projected into 3D using a depth map. The robot then navigates to these 3D targets with a motion planner.

Dataset for instruction fine-tuning

Robot Arm
We combine object and space reference data with VQA and object detection data. RoboPoint leverages spatial reasoning, object detection, and affordance prediction from these diverse sources, enabling it to generalize combinatorially.
Robot Arm
Examples from the synthetic dataset used to teach RoboPoint relational object reference and free space reference. The red and ground boxes are visual prompts to indicate reference objects and the cyan dots are the visualized ground truth (not included in the image inputs to the model).

Evaluation Results

Robot Arm
Qualitative results on RoboRefIt (a, b) and WHERE2PLACE (c, d, e, f, g, h), including cases with relations unseen during training (d, e, f, h) and where GPT-4o performs better (g, h).

RoboPoint Application Results

Manipulation Results


Navigation Results
